Broadfields Support Block
The Broadfields support block was purchased in May 2013 in partnership with other dairy farms. Broadfields winters 2700 mixed age cows and 750 rising 1 heifers on fodderbeet, homegrown silage, and straw. Throughout the season 1500 dairy replacement R1 and R2's are run. It carries half of Kintore Farm Ltd's wintering stock and half of it's young replacement stock, from weaning to entering the herd as in calf heifers. Kintore Farm staff feed their own animals through the winter.
Broadfields is independently managed, it is irrigated with Mayfield Hinds Irrigation scheme water via four centre pivot irrigators.
Download the farm map here.

Newparks Support Block
Newparks support block is located 4km from the dairy units. The leased 68ha winters 750-850 cows on kale, fodderbeet, home grown silage and bought in straw. 200-250 R1's are grazed on pasture from weaning to the end of their 1st winter.
Newparks is fully irrigated with a diesel pump drawing from a water storage pond supplied by Mayfield-Hinds Irrigtaion. The Roto-rainer irrigator is fitted with Tracmap GPS capable of remote control and notifications via txt messaging.
Download the farm map here.