We believe we help make the world a better place if we leave the people, the cows, and the land better than we found them.
We believe farming responsibly and long term profitability go hand in hand.
We are leading by example.
By nurturing a growth mindset and conscious leadership within the people in our business. Encouraging an environment that promotes personal growth and the active development, adoption and testing of new ideas that help us achieve our vision.
In March 1999 the original farm, which is now the 110ha South West block, was purchased from the Irvine family. Together with this core 110ha farm, the Rodwell, Woodhouse, and Waddington families purchased a further 145ha to the East and 73ha to the North where they established a 328ha dairy unit. In 2000 the original 30 aside herringbone dairy was replaced by the current 50 bale rotary dairy.
For the first two years of operation, Kintore Farm employed a 50:50 Sharemilker, and then employed its first Manager in 2001 to assume full operational responsibility.
In 2001, the Macfarlane and Waddington families purchased the neighbouring 118ha dairy farm on the North side of Trevors Road. It was merged into the original dairy operation utilising an old 33 aside herringbone dairy at the Western end of the farm.
Together these two units formed Kintore Farm Ltd.
At that time, Kintore Farm Ltd comprised 446ha, all of which was border irrigated, had a new rotary dairy, and a very tired, poorly located herringbone. Pastures were poor, influenced by poor irrigation reliability and exacerbated by grass grub and nodding thistle infestations. This was reflected in the stocking rates of 2.5 cows/ha, production was well under 300Kg/MS per cow.
The new Board of Kintore Farm Ltd set about to further develop the farm from the time it was formed.
Borderdyke irrigation was replaced with highly efficient spray systems. Variable rate technology is now being added.
The farm underwent a development re-grassing programme which under status quo is maintained at 8-10% p.a.
The old herringbone was replaced with a new 60 bale rotary dairy in the centre of the new farm.
Automation and feeding systems were added to both dairies.
Irrigation water storage ponds have been installed to improve reliability.
A focus on strong governance has provided an environment for management and the business to thrive and succeed.
A very competent team has been developed, investment into their technical and operational growth has been a priority.
In 2008 the General Manager at the time, Nick Hoogeveen, with his wife Demelza bought an equity share in Kintore Farm Ltd. The Woodhouse family exited the partnership in 2011 to pursue the conversion and development of their own property.
The result of the physical and operational plans at Kintore mean we've achieved the following triple bottom line value objectives:
Production now tops 820,000kgms – 520kgms per cow and 1,850 per hectare with bought in feed in the 600-800kgDM/cow range. The value of all the physical development is coming to fruition.
Attention to all aspects of environmental compliance has been a priority for the Kintore Board. A compliance report is expected at each monthly board meeting.
Under the guidance of the General Manager, the investment in people development has helped create a high performing team with a leading level of staff retention.